Welcome to the favorite temperature of frozen fish!

Find out the whole story

Import and Distribution
At Minus22 we take care that these two processes happen properly.

For 22 years we have been making the inaccessible accessible – we bring frozen fish at the foothills of Brasov and hence further in the country.

Capital of Cold
The central position and status as the capital of cold, makes us the ideal distributors of frozen fish.
Company -22
Having innovation and courage on our side, we managed to expand our distribution naturally from zonal to regional and then national. From capital of cold, we grew into cold exporters. We gained experience and today we are one of the main fish providers in Romania.
We changed our name in Minus22 to mark the celebration of 22 years of experience in importing and distributing cold.
For the next 22 years we would like to offer our consumers the right products at a good price, products designed to increase the quality of life and health. The cold expansion from the center to the rest of the country continues and our impact radius covers the whole country.
Our experience with fish
Our presence in the industry for more than 22 years lead us to a very precise knowledge about the process and especially about the products.
Packaging infrastructure
We have developed our own methods of portioning and packaging – this gives us the opportunity to check the product quality, so the products can reach the shelf at an affordable price.
Connections across the Ocean
With a well developed importing network, we allow ourselves to “fish” and deliver fish from all over the world through the easiest ways in our country at competitive prices.
Dedicated people
Minus22 is made up of people with experience in the food industry. We respond to every requirement with commitment, transparency and seriousness.



Pangasius Fillet

Salmon Fillets + French mix


Alaska Pollock Fillet